
Movies 2019 - PDO Version - With or Without Actors

Movies: 53 || Actors: 0

REGARDING HENRY (1991) 5.00 [D. MIKE NICHOLS] 1991-01-01

Implausible and sometimes ridiculous account of an intelligent man who is shot in the head and has to try to recover his mind in therapy. Ebert says that Henry isn't a character, he is an "act". In other words, he does whatever is needed at any particular moment to generate a contrived emotion. Phoney, and disappointing to see Nichols engaging in parlour tricks.


DEAD AGAIN (1991) 7.30 [D. KENNETH BRANAGH] 1991-01-01

Initially compelling drama about a woman with amnesia who uncovers, gradually, a sinister background to her own "life" with an obsessive maestro. Starts very strong but stretches things a little at the end. Strong performances and well-filmed.

CHOOSE ME (1984) 9.00 [D. ALAN RUDOLPH] 1991-01-01

Exciting, unusual drama about a radio talk show hostess whose personal life is chaotic and disordered. Very strange, off-beat sequences, and eerie out-of-body sense to the entire thing. Bujolds advises others on how to keep order and sensibility in their lives, but can't thwart the confused yearnings all around her. Carradine is impressive, Bujolds is startling. This movie just keeps coming at you and coming at you until you are convinced it's extraordinary. Director Alan Rudolph displays both a strong personal style and the influence of mentor Robert Altman.


Funny, interesting British film about Sammy, an East Indian immigrant and Rosie, his British wife, who have a liberated relationship, set against backdrop of Thatcherism and economic decline. Events twist when Sammy's father comes to visit: he has been responsible for torture and repression in his native -- India. Amusing, funny, and sometimes sexy. By director of "My Beautiful Laundrette".

SID AND NANCY (1986) 8.00 [D. ALEX COX] 1991-01-01

Riveting, violently stark portrait of Sid Vicious and lover, and decay into drug-steeped disaster, climaxed with the murder of the woman. Superb performances all around, filmed with grit and panache.

BRAZIL (1985) 8.00 [D. TERRY GILLIAM] 1991-01-01

Very exotic blend of Orwellian futurism with Pythonesque humour. Astonishing special effects, and fairly gripping story. The ending is very uneven, indicative of the battle between Gilliam and the studio over how it should be done. There are also three different versions in circulation, but it's hard to tell which one you have. Robert DeNiro has a wonderful cameo as a guerilla furnace repair-man.

DEAD (1987) 9.30 [D. JOHN HUSTON] 1991-01-01

Beautifully acted film from Joyce novel, about family with paralyzed emotions, crippled relationships. A delight from start to finish, though there are no big developments, no major catharsis, other than the bitter revelation of a lost love.

LOST WEEKEND (1945) 7.90 [D. BILLY WILDER] 1991-01-01

Gripping but not totally satisfying portrait of decay of an alcoholic over one particular weekend in New York. One of the first truly adult films produced by Hollywood.

GREEN CARD (1990) 7.00 [D. PETER WEIR] 1991-01-01

Mildly entertaining comedy about Frenchman who tries to immigrate to U.S. by marrying Andee McDowell, only to come under investigation. They do their best to pretend to be a married couple, with the usual predictable complications. Not especially clever considering the rich concept, other than one hilarious scene in which Depardieu tries to convince McDowell's friends that the is a composer, by performing one of his pieces.


CAL (1984) 7.00 [D. PAT O'CONNOR] 1991-01-01

Very raw drama about boy caught in conflict in Northern Ireland, having a love affair with widow of man he helped murder, eventually falling victim to crossfire.

RAN (1985) 9.30 [D. AKIRA KUROSAWA] 1991-01-01

Japanese version of King Lear, with some astonishingly beautiful cinematography and direction. Story centers on dispute between sons of warlord for control of his empire. Lives up to its billing. Incredible staging of battles, almost like ballet, flowing colours, streamers... An awesome experience.

PELLE THE CONQUEROR (1988) 9.10 [D. BILLE AUGUST] 1991-01-01

Set in the 1800's, Denmark, Pelle and his father are Swedish immigrants, struggling to achieve even the simplest pleasures in life. Heart-rending. Powerful, deeply sad ending, when Pelle decides he must leave, but his father lacks the will and strength and courage to go with him. This is almost definitively the saddest moment in film, as is the moment when Von Sydow tells the "widow" he is courting that his vision of contentment is to be served a cup of tea.

STUNT MAN (1980) 8.40 [D. RICHARD RUSH] 1991-01-01

Interesting plot: a fugitive stumbles onto a movie set accidentally causing death of stuntman. Director knows he law is after him, so he uses him as replacement stunt man, for very dangerous situations. Can't remember the ending: something vaguely dissatisfying about it all.

AU REVOIR DES ENFANTS (1990) 8.60 [D. LOUIS MALLE] 1991-12-28

Very affecting drama about Malle's childhood in a boarding school in Southern France, and the Jewish boy who is hidden from the Nazis there. Well-acted and filmed, in soft, rich hues. Intimate and sometimes provocative, and ultimately tragic. Suitable for adolescents.

STAR TREK VI (1991) 8.00 [D. NICHOLAS MEYER] 1991-12-27

Surprisingly well-done, well-acted. Nice touch of humour, good special effects, and timely theme about ending the "cold war" between Klingons and Federation.

All About Eve (1950) 8.50 [D. Joseph L. Mankiewicz] 1991-10-01

Very, very good, literate, well-scripted story of aspiring broadway actress, and how she uses all around her to achieve her goals. Lovely, low-key, rewarding film.

MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (1947) 8.20 [D. GEORGE SEATON] 1991-12-15

Charming, thoughtful fantasy about "real" Kris Kringle getting hired by Macy's, bringing true spirit of Christmas to corporate bureacracy. Could have been shmaultzy, but isn't, thanks to literate script and fine performances, especially by Gwenn and Payne, Frawley. Also notable for young Natalie Wood.

CHRISTMAS STORY (1983) 7.80 [D. BOB CLARK] 1991-12-11

Charming, realistic story set in the 1950's about boy who wants BB "Red Ryder" gun for Christmas. (The movie was formerly known as "Red Ryder"). His parents refuse because they are afraid he will shoot his eye out. Written by Jean Shepherd. The film has a grungy, devoutly proletarian look to it-- we never forget that this family is middle class at a time when that meant home-ownership, tacky furniture, and first appliances. Occasionally unwisely descends into farce, but succeeds on the whole because of decent performances by the principals and an accurate feel for the era.


Pretty good. I think I missed parts of it. Main interest is relationship between Harris and Roberts. Not many sparks. Very good analysis of how rich use sports to divert poor from real working conditions, labour issues.


Powerful indictment of American free enterprise hi-lighted by Gig Young's facetious emodiment of capitalists aggression, cheer-leading determined efforts of dance contest contestents while exploiting them. Sometimes regarded as existential drama about life in general. Probably about both, but references to capitalism are unmistakeable. Sarrazin may be miscast, but Fonda is good, Buttons is amazing, and Gig Young is brilliant.


CAPE FEAR (1991) (1991) 3.00 [D. MARTIN SCORCESE] 1991-11-23

Very disappointing. Started out as a taut psychological thriller and ended up as Friday the 13th with camera angles. Preposterous conclusion.

BLACK ROBE (1991) 8.50 [D. BRUCE BERESFORD] 1991-11-12

Brilliant, beautiful film about fanatic Jesuit priest making his way to Central Canada in 17th Century New France, intending to convert the Hurons. Honest, lovely, and moving. Brilliantly acted. Sometimes horrifyingly explicit about savagery of some natives and of the French.

LETHAL WEAPON II (1990) 4.00 [D. RICHARD DONNER] 1991-11-09

Exciting special effects and that's about it. Mel Gibson is appealling, and chemistry of three stars works well.

LITTLE MAN TATE (1991) 6.00 [D. JODY FOSTER] 1991-11-09

Disappointing. Compromised realism regularly in order to make greater emotional impact. Acting was good, but story line failed its premise.

LITTLE PRINCE (1974) 4.00 [D. STANLEY DONEN] 1991-11-03

Charming fable based on book by St. Exupery, is utterly destroyed by tasteless, charmless, disgraceful music by Lerner and Loewe. Stars Bob Fosse who did better in later "All That Jazz".

SHANE (1953) 7.70 [D. GEORGE STEVENS] 1991-11-03

Strange mixture of over-bearing drama and quirky detail. Well done, but not totally satisfactory. Over-rated. "Warlock" is far superior.

SHE'S HAVING A BABY (1988) 7.00 [D. JOHN HUGHES] 1991-08-01

Likeable comedy livened up by McGovern's very charming presense, and one very interesting, semi-provocative scene with Baldwin.

ASPHALT JUNGLE (1950) 8.00 [D. JOHN HUSTON] 1991-11-01

Taut thriller about a heist, from planning stages, to ill-fated escape attempt. Good performances; Monroe makes an appearance early in her career.


Fascinating, rambunctious account of adventures of Baron Munchausen in the "Age of Reason". Scary at times, for kids. In a fortified town fighting for its life against an invading Turkish army, an actor performs a dramatization of the life of the Baron, complete with the usual exaggerations. The Baron himself shows up, however, and drives the actors from the stage, and decides to tell the true story of his adventures, which are even more far-fetched than those of the impresario. Like Gilliam's Brazil, Munchausen is wildly imaginative, and often brilliant. And sometimes the gags misfire. Behind all the adventures, the question of whether a life lived by Reason is worth living at all. The Baron's enchanting adventures seem far more interesting than the dreary life under the bureaucrats who run the town.


NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (1968) 8.00 [D. GEORGE ROMERO] 1991-10-27

Brilliant suspense thriller. Forget the hokey contrivances: good visceral horror, and interesting characters. Generally well written and done.

ROMERO (1976) 5.00 [D. JOHN DUIGAN] 1991-08-01

Not an impressive film in many ways. Interesting for its subject, vivid violence. Not memorable.

SOB (1981) 7.00 [D. BLAKE EDWARDS] 1991-10-26

Relatively amusing comedy by Edwards who really isn't as dark or edgy as I think he thinks he is.

20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA (1954) 7.00 [D. RICHARD FLEISCHER] 1991-10-25

Standard Disney fare.

Zulu (1964) 8.00 [D. CY ENDFIELD] 1991-10-20

Impressive depiction of British attempts to hold off massive Zulu attacks in late 1800's South Africa.

Scanners (1981) 5.00 [D. DAVID CRONENBERG] 1991-10-19

Very raw horror film, made in Toronto, obviously. Some compelling affectation to the idea, but sometimes clumsy, sometimes too raw and disturbing.

Candleshoe (1977) 4.50 [D. NORMAN TOKAR] 1991-10-15

Not sure why some people rate this film highly. Seemed mindless and pointless to me. Niven is barely adequate and Foster is wasted; action scenes seem stetched out to concel thin story line.

Browning Version (1951) 8.40 [D. ANTHONY ASQUITH] 1991-06-01

Intelligent, interesting account of an aging boarding school teacher who is ridiculed by his students, snubbed by his peers, and cheated by his employers, all while his cynical wife carries on an affair with a younger colleague. Mr. Browning comes to an epiphany, then tries to regain his dignity. A sleeper: a rewarding and satisfying film, that builds slowly but steadily into a complete picture of a man who suddenly realizes his own worthlessness, and thus begins to realize his truth worth.

Blaze (1989) 6.00 [D. RON SHELTON] 1991-01-01

Uneven biography of Huey Long, with some interesting performances.

Home Alone (1990) 5.00 [D. CHRIS COLUMBUS] 1991-10-05

Amusing light comedy. Basically harmless, with occasional hilarity. Essentially wholesome family entertainment.

Fisher King (1991) 7.00 [D. TERRY GILLIAM] 1991-10-04

Not bad, but disappointing. Acting and cinematography were first rate, but the story line took a Hollywood twist near the end and ended up presenting cliche's and predictable, emotional contrivances.

Watership Down (1978) 7.00 [D. MARTIN ROSEN] 1991-02-01

Fairly interesting animated conversion of the book. Surprisingly violent.

Meatballs (1990) 4.00 [D. IVAN REITMAN] 1991-06-30

Ultimately dum, though cute premise.

Terminator (1988) 7.00 [D. James Cameraon] 1991-07-01

Exciting, violent tale about a robot who comes back from the future to "terminate" the mother of a rebel leader. The future is bleak indeed: the computers used to manage national defense systems have developed a "consciousness" and are attempting to take over the world. When national governments attempt to regain control, the computers launch nuclear weapons at all the major cities and civil war follows. Fortunately, the movie doesn't dwell too much on the details of the conflagration-- a week part of the film--, and instead builds on the suspenseful pursuit of the rebel leader's mother, played with gusto by Linda Hamilton. This heroine is no genteel lady-in-waiting and the film refreshingly avoids exploiting the helpless woman in peril routine-- she pretty well takes care of herself, thank you. Schwarzenegger was never swaddled with as literate a story or as tight direction. He is actually excellent, in the role most suited to his talents-- particularly in action shots, and scenes in which he is scanning the environment for clues to Sarah Conner's location. Unlike most sci-fi action films, retains a core of dramatic integrity and develops an idea or two about the future and the relationship of man and machines. Director Cameron resists the temptation to "humanize" the robot: he's a mindless killing machine with only one function. Not a masterpiece but not an insult to your intelligence either. For instance, Reece, at one point, tries to explain to the police that he is from the future. Would he not be conversant with the fact that they would never believe him? Would he not invent some plausible explanation for the attack on Sarah Conner and how he sprang to her defense? And Reece is belligerently dominating at the beginning, screaming at Sarah to do everything he tells her to do, and acting like a fascist. It's an adolescent take on the situation and wears thin quickly. It should also be noted that the scenes from the future are pathetically bad. Just awful. IMDB claims it is now considered one of the "greatest films of all time". This is sheer nonsense. Other films in this genre that are vastly superior: "The Bourne Identity", "Terminator 2", "Blade Runner" (the original), "Metropolis",

Ghost (1990) 6.00 [D. JERRY ZUCKER] 1991-06-30

Mildly interesting story hi-lighted by sexy pottery scene. Otherwise, rather trite, with excessive wringing of tears. Moore is appealling behind all those tears but doesn't demonstrate much range.

Star Trek II (1982) 7.00 [D. NICHOLAS MEYER] 1991-09-29

Much better than first sequel.

Yearling (1946) 7.90 [D. CLARENCE BROWN] 1991-09-28

Very good, and the kids enjoyed it. The ending left me feeling cheated: I expected them to finally hunt down old Slewfoot. Paul watched this with Kyle and Brad.

Star Trek (1979) 5.00 [D. ROBERT WISE] 1991-01-01

Big disappointment, really.

Miracle Worker (1962) 8.00 [D. ARTHUR PENN] 1991-09-28

Brilliant film, marked by stunning work of Patty Duke as Helen Keller. Later remade with Patty Duke as Annie Sullivan and Melissa Gilbert as Helen. Why, I don't know.

Edward Scissorshands (1990) 7.80 [D. TIM BURTON] 1991-09-28

Very appealing movie, though the ending was a bit of a cop-out, in terms of plot: standard device of misunderstood hero rescues innocent from car accident, is misunderstood, etc. Winona Ryder is very appealing. The theme plays well but doesn't add a whole lot to the idea.

Warlock (1959) 8.20 [D. EDWARD DMYTRYK] 1991-09-28

Brilliant western, with adult themes about politics, peace, and justice. Henry Fonda is excellent, Anthony Quinn also. Fonda is a hired gun for a little town, intended to put down rowdies. Richard Widmark becomes legitmate sherriff. Inevitable conflict, but admirably played, extremely well-written. Excellent for a high school class discussion on justice.

Hamlet (1990) 8.10 [D. FRANCO ZEFFERELLI] 1991-09-20

Very good performances by Mel Gibson and Glenn Close, and gorgeous scenery.

Star Wars (1977) 7.20 [D. GEORGE LUCAS] 1991-09-29

Technically very brilliant, but the story is rather mundane, cliche' ridden, and trite. I found the concept of the "Force" to be vacuous.

35 Up (1991) 9.00 [D. MICHAEL APTED] 1991-01-01

In the 1960's, director Michael Apted filmed and interviewed a group of children in a small school in England. His low-key, non-intrusive style made for compelling drama all by itself, but when he followed up by catching up to his subjects eight years later, the story became a powerful analysis of lives lived. He was particularly interested in how class plays a role in people's lives. With some of his subjects, the story had become tragic. How rarely do we have the opportunity to see a person's life unravel before our very eyes?

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