Category: DRA
Time: 0
Seen in Theatre? Yes
Date: 1980-01-01
Movie #: 299 Title: Midnight Cowboy 1969
Rating: 9.50
Director (last): SCHLESINGER (first): JOHN
Writer (last): (first):
"Fascinating" does not even begin to do justice to this gritty, bitter portrait of a naive Texan who moves to New York to try to make it big as a hustler. Along the way, he meets various depraved characters into "Ratso Rizzo", crippled bum, who takes him under his wing and tries to manage him. Filled with powerful images, evocative nuance, and grim tragedy. Unforgettable. One of the two or three best American films ever made. 113 minutes. Unusually audacious Oscar awards for Best Picture, Director, and Screenplay. Note the appearances of members of Andy Warhol's "Factory" and the Velvet Underground at parties.
Is this movie a "gem"? No
Evil Twin:
Good Twin:
Added: 1980-01-01 [yyyy-mm-dd]