Category: DRA
Time: 107
Seen in Theatre? No
Date: 1996-01-19
Movie #: 756 Title: LEOLO 1992
Rating: 9.50
Director (last): LAUZON (first): JEAN-CLAUDE
Writer (last): LAUZON (first): JEAN-CLAUDE
Powerful, haunting, raunchy film about a boy growing up in poor section of Montreal, and his ecstatic dreams of beauty and love, contrasted with brutal, vulgar realities. His family ends up in an insane assylum, his brother is a cowardly body-builder, and the girl of his dreams, Bianca, bites his grandfather's nails for money. Includes a shocking scene of sex with a cat... Yet this film is poignant, powerfully moving. The ending is an epiphany of despair. Beautifully filmed; the music is hauntingly beautiful.
Is this movie a "gem"? No
Evil Twin:
Good Twin:
Added: 1996-01-19 [yyyy-mm-dd]