Category: DRA
Time: 0
Seen in Theatre? No
Date: 1996-07-03
Movie #: 772 Title: DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL 1951
Rating: 8.00
Director (last): WISE (first): ROBERT
Writer (last): BATES (first): HARRY
Interesting sci-fi about alien named Klaatu who comes to Earth to warn mankind of dangers of nuclear weapons. But are humans ready to listen? Takes on the paranoia of America in the 50's-- if it wasn't communists, it was aliens, or teenagers. Ahead of it's time and still relevant. Obviously a heavy influence on Star Trek and other later sci fi, particularly the Gary Seven episodes with Robert Lansing and Teri Garr.
Is this movie a "gem"? No
Evil Twin:
Good Twin:
Added: 1996-07-03 [yyyy-mm-dd]