Category: DRA
Time: 90
Seen in Theatre? No
Date: 1997-09-06
Movie #: 845 Title: RED 1994
Rating: 9.30
Director (last): KIESLOWSKI (first): KRZYSZTOF
Writer (last): PIESIEWICZ (first): KRZYSZTOF
The concluding installment of Kieslowski's trilogy based on the colours of the French Flag-- fraternity. Valentine is a beautiful model whose boyfriend travels a lot and plays mind games with her on the phone. One day, she accidentally hits a dog with her car. She is obviously a sensitive, kind person and tracks down the dog's owner and ask him if he wants to take the dog to the vet, or if he wants her to. The man doesn't care. Valentine is challenged by the man's indifference and, ironically, is drawn to him, to find out more about him. What she finds out is not very appealling: he is a disillusioned retired judge who uses electronic equipment to eavesdrop on his neighbor's conversations. She is appalled but when he challenges her to do something about it, she realizes life is more complex than she imagined. Meanwhile, Auguste, a man who doesn't know Valentine but lives across the street from her, is involved in a love affair of his own. Eventually, fate, or coincidence, or what-have-you, will mysteriously bring these two together. Kieslowski has a discernible vision about life, about how it works, about the mysteries of human relationships, chaos, and coincidence. And he has a remarkable ability to create strong images of people's lives changing decisively for various reasons. And the sensitive viewer will reflect on how the most significant things in his or her own life might well have never been, or might have been different, if one thing had changed.
Is this movie a "gem"? No
Evil Twin:
Good Twin:
Added: 1997-09-06 [yyyy-mm-dd]