Rant of the Week

Newt Gangrene and the PACS


Newt Gangrene and PACS

This reminds me-- during the height of the cold war, the evil Soviet Union, of course, had a TOTALITARIAN government.  The United States, on the other hand, was a DEMOCRACY.

In a DEMOCRACY, the people are free to elect the leaders they choose.  In a TOTALITARIAN country, the people have no choice: you have to elect whoever the party tells you to elect.

Of course, in a DEMOCRACY, special interests are free to give as much money to politicians as they want to in exchange for special favours, like laws extending copyright protection.... oops!  Forget that.  That wouldn't be right!  That would mean that we really don't have a DEMOCRACY at all, that America is actually ruled by wealthy, special interests!   Not true.  They are free to give as much money to the politicians PAC as they want to.  There.  That's better. Then the PAC gives the money to the politician. 

Senator John McCain wanted to change that.  He wanted new rules to enforce what the old rules were supposed to enforce: limitations on how much "soft" money a politician can receive.

John McCain doesn't have many friends these days.

I watched Newt Gangrene speak to his PAC tonight, thanking them for helping preserve freedom and DEMOCRACY.

But, hey, this is a DEMOCRACY.  So we go to the polls and exercise our choice.  Those poor Russians!  In our country, we regularly elect the people we choose.

Of course... it is a little strange... during all the years of the cold war, which country, do you think, most often re-elected the same guy who's been in there for ten, twenty, thirty years already, who is fat and corrupt and tired and bloated and isolated from the the people he represents? 

That's right: the good old U.S. of A. 

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