Rant of the Week

National Hysterical Orgasm


We are safe.

This is probably the least popular opinion I’ve ever posted here but I think the whole continent has gone nuts.  And I mean really nuts.  This is not just a case of the public or politicians getting a little carried away with paranoia and hysteria.  It’s just a matter of idiocy on a grand scale.  The world has not changed.  We are safe. 

What’s really going on?  There was a massively successful terrorist attack on New York City.  A lot of people were killed and a lot of property was damaged.  That, folks, is about all we know so far.  That’s it.  That’s the whole thing.  You think I’m nuts?  What about the anthrax?  What about the new threats?  What about Saddam—isn’t he pointing his Scud missiles at us right now?

Everything aside from the initial attack is hype.  CNN, which packages news about war, death, and destruction as entertainment, talks about nothing else.   The only real news here is that otherwise rational people have completely lost their senses.

How often, for example, do you hear the actual number of dead?  10,000?  8,000?  5,000?  It is closer to 4,000.  That’s a big number, but it’s not 30,000, which is the number of body bags New York officials initially requested.  Who made that judgment?  Why hasn’t he been sacked?

It is getting comical.  President Bush attends a ballgame in New York and we are given to understand that the holy and sacred Vice-President is being safely stowed away, in a Tupperware container somewhere near Camp David, I presume.  It is an “undisclosed” location.  Cheney himself probably doesn’t know where it is.  Are we supposed to be reassured that the deputy sidekick of the unelected president of the United States is safe?  For what?  Comic relief?  We’re supposed to be relieved that if something happens to George W., Dick Cheney will be in charge???

The anthrax?   Do you know how many people have died from anthrax?  Four.  But we are going to spend about a billion dollars preventing a fifth victim.

What the hell does anyone really know about the anthrax attacks?  The government is trying to set the all-time record in dissimulation and disinformation, but the bottom line is that nobody has brought forward even the slightest evidence that the anthrax letters came from anyone other than your usual all-American crackpot.  I’m not saying that it’s not possible that some Islamic fundamentalist is behind it.  I don’t think it’s likely, myself, but, unlike our noble leaders, I’m willing to admit that I don’t know.   Until the FBI has some kind of proof, it is not only stupid but actually irresponsible to go around pointing the finger at anyone.

Every year, tens of thousands of people die at work and on  the highway.  But what is everyone terrified of now?  Anthrax.  Nobody is organizing massive numbers of safe-driving clinics, but everyone’s putting on rubber gloves when they handle the mail!  How many people get injured or killed in hunting accidents, or accidents involving all-terrain vehicles, or fires, or incorrectly prescribed medicines?  Way, way more than will be killed by terrorists in the foreseeable future.

According to the United Nations, 11 million children die every year of preventable causes.  [NY Times, March 14, 2002]   Nobody, yet, has sounded the alarm.

An actress-- whom I never heard of-- stated that she no longer opened her mail because of the anthrax scare.   Aside from the absurdity of Osama Bin Laden targeting some second-rate unknown Hollywood actress, instead of, for example, Fort Benning, you have to realize that she didn’t say that her mail wasn’t being opened.   In other words, good heavens, I’ll have my secretary risk her life instead…

President Bush and other officials have publicly linked the anthrax letters to Osama Bin Laden, while admitting there is no proof.  This has the effect of focusing American anger even more intensely on a subject who seems more credibly linked to other terrorist acts.  You get a muddying of emotions and intellect here.  You get arguments in favor of harsh action against Afghanistan linked to vague feelings of hysteria towards the anthrax threat. 

And what on earth is going on in Afghanistan?  I thought there was a plan?  The trouble is that most of  the terrorists who crashed the planes into the World Trade Centre come from Saudi Arabia.  According to Seymour Hersh and others, the Saudi Royal Family has been less than cooperative. 

What’s really going on here?  Not much, since the attack itself.  But there are a lot of people with a lot of reasons why they want this “crisis” to be hyped as much as possible.  From the cop putting in over-time guarding buildings that are absurdly unlikely to be targets of anyone, to the generals and the military suppliers who have enormous profits and power at stake. 

I just watched a press conference in Washington at which the Mayor and various cronies discussed their response to the possibility of anthrax contamination at the local postal sorting stations.  They are modeling their presentation on Giuliani’s highly regarded press conferences in New York.  The people behind the mayor all look so very self-important and responsible.  They’d like us to believe they are our noble leaders and fully in charge and competent.  I’m starting to think there’s a bit of a contest here to get on TV and get your five minutes of fame and maybe get more funding and more staff for your department.

CNN, at this very moment, is using talcum powder to demonstrate that anthrax spores can leak through an envelope.   Highly scientific.  You go, oh my god, the powder is getting out!  It’s everywhere!  Run, run for your lives!

In London, Ontario, officials are searching the bags of three-year-olds attending the Children’s Museum.    I’m sorry—with all due respect, I think these officials are idiots.  Do they imagine Osama Bin Laden sitting in his cave in the mountains of Afghanistan and wondering if the suicide bomber he sent to the Children’s Museum in London, Ontario made it through yet? 

In Peterborough, Ontario, an idiot school board cancelled a class trip to Holland to take part in a United Nations Conference. 

Why?  Because of the terrorism!  What terrorism?  What terrorism!  Are you mad!  It's everywhere.  Planes are falling out of the sky!  Bombs exploding everywhere!  Anthrax in all the postal outlets.....   

No.  It's hysteria, plain and simple, and God keep us out of the hands of hysterics.  When a group of parents-- with better sense than most--decided to send their children to the conference anyway (with proper chaperones and liability insurance) the school board, in a snit, decided to punish them by ordering teachers to give these students zeros for all assignments and tests missed.  

Well, you could argue that it’s simply good and wise to have more security than we used to have.   The problem is that if you convince everyone to get hysterical, they lose all sense of reasonableness and proportion.  Thousands of people die every year in this country, of disease, accident, neglect, and murder.  We have accrued a widely shared body of wisdom about the relative immediacy and causes of these deaths.   In a few short weeks, we have thrown all this common sense out the window.  We go home and watch the cheesy and disreputable CNN and come to the conclusion that Osama Bin Laden is after us.

Now CNN is bringing on a professional “headhunter” to tell us which vocations are most at risk from terrorist attack.

I am getting roundly sick of idiot conservatives who see this whole crisis as an excuse to get rid of civil liberties and engorge the defense department with new high-tech toys.  And I’m really getting fed up with conservatives who regard anyone who disagrees with their own personal views on how the war against Bin Laden should be run as patsies.  “Oh, so you want to do nothing!”  I don’t know of any liberal who wants to do nothing, but if you don’t go along with the current incoherent policies, conservatives can’t stand the thought that something not involving big explosions and blood-letting should even be considered.

The festering sore of the administration’s current policies is Saudi Arabia.  It is becoming increasingly obvious to some that the Saudi’s may not only have provided 15 of the 19 hijackers, but they may actually have been paying off Osama Bin Laden for years. 

Look, it’s not that complicated.  Osama Bin Laden’s terrorists are not standing outside in Afghanistan waiting for American bombs to fall on them.  Most of them are probably not even in Afghanistan.  So you have the U.S. bombing one of the poorest and most unfortunate nations on earth.  And you have the U.S. snuggling up to authoritarian leaders in Syria, Jordan, Iran, and Pakistan, all of whom faced potential insurgencies in their own nations.

Real police work….  How come the FBI can’t trace those letters?   When they talk about funding needs for the agency, the bravado about how new, expensive technologies will enable them to magically apprehend criminals before they even commit a crime is invigorating.  The reality, obviously, is more like Inspector Clouseau.

Some people have questioned the idea of bombing a country that is already in a state of near-collapse.   Some conservatives have angrily retorted, basically, “how dare you?”    Regardless of the strategic value of the bombing runs, and regardless of the fact that we are probably created an entire new generation of suicide-bombers among those very angry victims, you can’t ignore the fact that we have an immense military-industrial complex in the U.S. that is absolutely in lust with power and money.  There hasn’t been a good war in a decade, while the military has been stockpiling weapons and delivery systems with unbridled but frustrated passion.  This opportunity, for them, is a godsend, and I would wager that the desire of the military to use up as many bombs as possible and make frantic pitches for new weapons systems and more money, is without restraint.


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