Since the impending war on Iraq is really about one thing only, I propose that the U.S. armed services create a whole new series of medals to be awarded to soldiers who display conspicuous courage, determination, and consumption while battling the forces of Armageddon in Baghdad.
But first of all, why should the tax-payer get stuck with paying for these priceless trinkets? Let's allow the people we're really fighting for to put up the incentives: Exxon, Texaco, Mobil, and Amoco.
The Copper Gas Can - replica of a gas can in brass, for meritorious service above and beyond the call of duty.
The Victoria Pump - a little gas pump, to the soldier who displays resourcefulness and integrity under pressure.
The Silver Carburetor: for extreme diligence under threat of reduced consumption of material goods and trinkets.
The Golden SUV - the highest possible award, for extreme courage under fire and extensive media coverage while battling the forces of global conservation and oil supply.