I just happened to notice that at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico, where the three American athletes gave the black power salute as they stood on the podiums after receiving medals, the Mexican government had killed between 200 and 300 students in the weeks leading up to the games. These students were protesting against the dictatorial policies of the one-party Mexican state. The CIA had reported to the U.S. government that the students had agreed to refrain from protesting during the Olympics. The Mexican government didn't feel like waiting to find out. They didn't want an embarrassment.
Okay. Kill 200 - 300 students-- no problem. The Americans were delighted to honor the Mexican government by participating.
Raise your fist, as if you don't believe in America the wonderful, the blessed, the just?
Give back those medals, right now! You are off the team!
It's scandalous. It's absolutely scandalous. And don't forget that the people who made that judgment-- who decided that the Olympics should go on even if the Mexican government murders hundreds of students and even if the the Mexican government was a one-party dictatorship-- and then decided that the these three black athletes should be escorted out of the Olympic village-- these people were part of that large, large group of gratuitous sycophants and parasites called "the Olympic Delegation" and your tax dollars help pay for their hotels and champagne.
[Yes, I know-- in the U.S., most money for the Olympic teams is raised privately. But that's not total cost of maintaining and supporting a national Olympic team. There are stadiums and universities. And because the donations to the Olympic teams is tax deductible-- aren't they?-- you really are subsidizing them. ]