Rant of the Week

Tin Pot Dictatorships


And another...

Would Hamid Hayat have been convicted of providing material support to terrorists if his name had been Albert Smith and his race been Caucasian? 

No.  Not a chance.

An FBI fink claimed that Osama Bin Laden's top lieutenant had been in Lodi, California.  The FBI found that that was not true, but there were other Arabic-looking people in Lodi.  Hamid Hayat and his father barely spoke English and were not provided with lawyers when they were interviewed after the FBI fink,  Naseem Khan, pointed them out.  Look-- those guys look Arabic.  The FBI provided the leading questions; nature provided the appropriate racial characteristics.  An American jury decided that the FBI would not be prosecuting these men for no reason and convicted the son, largely on the basis of an alleged confession that he had traveled to Pakistan to attend a terrorist training camp.

Amazingly, the government seems to have no obligation to prove anything anymore.  It did not offer any proof that Hamid Hayat had ever been to a training camp in Pakistan.

The government did not provide any proof that Hayat had actually taken a single action that would indicate preparation or planning of a terrorist act.  It doesn't matter.  He's Arabic.

Case closed.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

Where is the so-called liberal media on this?  You would think this story would be on the covers of all the so-called liberal magazines and newspapers.

All contents © 2006 Bill Van Dyk