So a guy, apparently, shows up at an Obama town hall meeting in New Hampshire a few weeks ago with a semi-automatic weapon and a t-shirt that refers to Thomas Jefferson's statement: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” This guy's t-shirt actually says "It's time to water the tree of liberty..."
Let's imagine that a few steps away some other dude pulls out a doobie and lights it up. And a few feet from him, some woman decides to breastfeed her baby. And a few steps from her, two men kiss each other on the lips. And a few steps from those two, an Arabic man puts a mat on the ground in the direction of Mecca. And he is standing close to guy wearing an "impeach George Bush" t-shirt.
Of these loyal citizens, whom might the police choose to detain? Well, all of them, except the man with the gun.
The gun-toting "libertarian" won't be detained-- he is exercising a sacred right. He also loudly and rather hysterically claims that he is standing up for liberty-- he doesn't want the government acting like a nanny and telling him what to do, nosirreee. Like telling him who he can kiss or what he can smoke or who he can pray to.
Of course, if that same government wants to tap his phone without a warrant, or put him on a plane and send him to Syria for some serious questioning, or send him to some other foreign country to lose his arm or leg or life on behalf of an oil company, or allow his job to be outsourced to some sweatshop in Asia somewhere... well, that's fine with him. And if a corporation tells him what kind of health coverage he can have and what kind of treatments he can receive, well, gosh, that's not like "liberty" or anything like that, I guess.
I'm just trying to imagine the American mind set here... when a protestor shows up with a t-shirt that advocates impeaching George Bush, he gets busted, dragged off-- by government employees-- because he constitutes some vague sort of risk. The courts almost always find these actions unconstitutional but the Bush Administration never paid much attention to the courts or judges or the law. But a man hangs around the venue at which President Obama is appearing with a semi-automatic weapon.... ?
I don't think the hysterical right is even a large minority right now. I think these are marginal people, ill-informed, a little crazy. But their hysterics, at these town-hall meetings, are getting enormous media play-- from the mythical "liberal" media, no less-- and they seem to be scaring Obama, who seems to be backing away from a public option on health care even though polls of the rational majority have shown that most people are in favor of it.
There was a woman at a town-hall meeting in New Hampshire who got all teary and emotional about the threat to America by a health care plan that threatened to turn her nation into another Russia. She might as well have added that the fairies are trying to steal her turnips, for all the logic in her position. But she gets on the air, on TV, and makes people uneasy, and the Democrats back away.
It's beyond contempt. It makes you wonder why anyone ever thought there was such a thing as "progress".
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