Rant of the Week

Summit Sumit  Sumt  Smut


The biggest Security Theatre show in the world takes place in Toronto this week.  The people who are supposed to represent us, the voters, will do everything they can to keep as much distance as possible between their lavish affair, their snack bars and drinks, their banquets and soirees, and us, the smelly, worried, unprivileged mob.

In fact, they clear the expressways so the cavalcade of bullet-proof limos and security mobs can proceed from airport to conference center without having to meet the gaze of frustrated travelers.  You wait so Obama can glide.  You have to wonder if any of these leaders have the slightest clue anymore of what real life is like for their own citizens.

It's not surprising that some terrorists out there might think it's a good target: the display of monumental privilege must surely excite them.  The fences and guns and helicopters -- it's all like a wonderful, violent opera. 

It also creates a perception among the easily persuaded that these leaders are so important, so indispensable-- such marvels of brilliant leadership and vision-- that no expense can be spared in keeping them safe.  In fact, every one of them is very dispensable-- the graveyards are full of them, as De Gaulle observed.  The security services don't mind colluding with the politicians because, if politicians are important, the jackboots protecting them are necessary.

If you think, well, it's a lot to put up with, but, after all, these meetings are important.  No, they aren't.  The idea of public disagreement is so horrifying to the organizers that they have their cronies work out all of the language of all the announcements weeks before hand.  If there is real disagreement, the announcements only cover the areas where they agree: we will improve the environment, encourage economic growth, seek justice and purity and the preservation of our bodily fluids.  Amen.  So, surrounded by security theatre, we have political theatre.

Have you considered... how come they don't shut down the nation's capital every time parliament is in session?



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