I suspect that this ad, created by a 23-year-old Canadian named Lucas Baiano, (couldn't Rick Perry find a single American capable of this level of cynicism?) will backfire.
What has happened is that the brutal tactics of the Republicans in Congress, who make no secret of the fact that they have no interest in governing at all-- only in making Obama a one-term president, have laid naked a degree of cynicism about the political process that the ad can only magnify. It will indeed rally the true believers, but true believers-- of either political stripe-- only make up about 15% of the population.
What people seem to want more than anything else in this year of cynicism is a politician who gives them straight talk-- it's why Herman Cain, who seems so singularly unqualified in every other respect, is winning a lot of support. He doesn't spout the kind of dreamy Hollywood psychosis Perry's ad spouts.