Rant of the Week

The American Police State


Do not mention to the public or the media the use of cell phone technology or equipment used to locate the targeted subject,” the Iowa City Police Department warned officers in one training manual. It should also be kept out of police reports, it advised.  NY Times, April 1, 2012


For all the screeching and wailing about government oppression in the form of an insurance mandate for health insurance, why are those freedom-loving, liberty-cherishing, gun-hugging Americans so utterly placid and spineless about the massive government intrusion into their personal lives through the routine abuse of police powers as described in the New York Times on April 1?  Apparently the police, even in small, rural towns, routinely go to cell phone companies and demand the locations of particular phones, or the content of text messages.  Some of these police departments have even acquired their own equipment to do it without having to pay-- or possibly arouse the antipathy of-- private cell phone companies.

Where's all the outrage?  Where's the placards, the effigies, the righteous indignation, the groveling, tearful references to the Constitution, the swelling, yelling, enraged marches? 

The most sacred rights are being systematically disemboweled and we hear not a whimper from the so-called patriots. 

It's all a lie and America is a giant fraud.  It's time to hold a grand public ceremony and officially burn the Constitution in a steel barrel and then roll it off the docks somewhere near Wall Street and the "Freedom Tower", and time for all the flag-draped Patriots to just get over it: you are liars.


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