Rant of the Week

Rhetorical Inversions


My rights are NOT infringed if I lose the ability to tell you what to do. My rights are infringed when you deprive me of the right to make the choices I want to make. Does that make sense? Not to Republicans. They would have you believe that when two men or two women marry each other, they are somehow deprived of a "right". That "right", it turns out, is their "right" to boss you around. When the Catholic bishops whine about the state intruding on their liberties and freedoms it turns out that the state hasn't intruded on any liberty or freedom at all. Can they still worship? Yes. Can they still gather to carry out their beliefs? Yes. Can they choose to not use birth control and have 13 babies in twelve years? Absolutely. Nobody is making them use birth control or have abortions or marry a gay partner. Nobody at all. So what's this "liberty" they are whining about? It's the liberty to prevent you from using birth control, if you happen to work at one of their hospitals or universities.

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