Rant of the Week

The American Equation

When did Obama become the head of Murder Incorporated? 

Malcolm X got raked by the media when he commented, in reference to the Kennedy assassination, that "the chickens have come home to roost".  He was referring to the role of the U.S. in the assassination of Patrice Lumumba in the Congo, and the history of violent racial oppression in the American South.

How exactly does the U.S. condemn murder and assassination when it has adopted-- enthusiastically-- the exact same policy when dealing with whomever it chooses to define as an enemy?

The U.S. will proclaim loudly to itself-- when the chickens once again, inevitably,  come home to roost-- that it is outraged, outraged, I say, that so-called civilized nations would resort to murder and assassination as tools of foreign policy!  How dare they!

And within it's own borders, Americans will purr contentedly that all of the mayhem they sow in revenge if justified by the angels because we are such a good, virtuous nation....

And the rest of the world will see that for exactly what it is: the rankest hypocrisy.  You did it too!  You've been bombing and droning and murdering for years, and now you're upset that other nations said, okay, we get the idea.

Does Obama mind?  You can't be a priss, after all.  Americans will forgive many things in a leader-- fecklessness, moral turpitude, inconsistency-- but never that he failed to show a willingness to kill on our behalf, a facility with mayhem, a willingness to converse with unspeakable cruelty, always, always, oh always, with the illusion of moral rectitude.


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