Is it possible to take a minute and analyze carefully what just happened in Washington D. C. that has the entire Twitterverse buzzing like a chainsaw jackhammer?
First thing I saw on TV was a police officer telling us that the police performed absolutely heroically. They were courageous and smart and wonderful and they got Timmy safely out of the well. Boy, we're GREAT. I mean it.
Shots were fired. That's always electrifying and the first reports on CBC stated that "shots were fired". They were-- by the police.
The police sprang into action. Why? Because they saw other police chasing a car and running down the streets. They sprang into action, locked down government buildings, prevented congressmen from crossing the street, and I'm sure a couple of Secret Service agents threw themselves on top of Obama. All of this was the result of the perception that other police were running around pointing guns and chasing people off the sidewalks. Why were these other police running around and chasing people off the sidewalks? Because some police cars went by with their sirens blaring. And shots were about to be fired.
What actually happened: a woman drove her car towards the White House and appeared to try to drive through the very powerful barricades in front of the President's home. When the police tried to stop her, she backed up, into a police car, and drove away.
Now, I'm as sentimental as the next guy and I'm sure that that woman spokesperson for the police meant well, and wanted to reassure us that there was nothing the police couldn't do, but it appeared to me that the police at that moment needed more than anything else to immobilize that car, and this they failed to do. They actually let reverse the car, back up and out, and drive off, resulting in a hysterical chase down Pennsylvania Avenue as she headed towards..... (very loud basso profundo now) CONGRESS. Where clearly she meant to GTA the Tea Party and get the country moving again.
She smashed into a guard hut and the police surrounded her car and shot her to death. Since they seemed clueless about how to block a car in so it couldn't escape again, I guess they thought they had no choice.
I'm sure the NRA will assure us that cars don't kill people: only women with babies kill people, and if only an upstanding NRA member had had his car there at that moment, all would be well.