Rant of the Week

Our Long Slow Sad Decline
Into the Moral Abyss


Would you be surprised to find that, in the view of this website, public morality is in decline?   What?  Again?   It is?  Oh my goodness!  Whatever will we do?!

www.holybible.com is a fairly representative Christian commentary on our day and age, our times, our era, our epoch, our cultural milieu.  (It even, of course, like almost every other "Christian" website in the world, has a pitch for your money on the main page, for a CD or worship of songs, though I should acknowledge that it's a relatively low-key pitch for the genre).

Or, like me, would you be more inclined to think about just how shocked you would really be if you ever happened to stumble into a website somewhere, by a Christian journalist or pundit, that expressed the thought that public morality was improving?

Seriously.  I thought about that a lot.  Why would it seem totally weird to read a comment like, "it is clear that our society is less sinful now than it was 50 years ago"?  But you know that you are never going to hear that from a Christian journalist or pundit.  Not in your life.

If virtually every single Christian commentator thinks the world is getting worse, not better, they must be right-- right?  They can't all be wrong.

But if society is in decline, when, according to these punsters, was it ever in incline?  It must be declining from somewhere.  It must have improved, from the barbaric ages, at some point.   Say, the 1950's.  The America of Ozzie and Harriet and the Beaver.

Do they have a picture in their minds of rural villages dotted with white churches, milk-maids tending the cows and baking apple pies, young boys fishing at the creek, fathers mowing the hay?

That's nostalgia.  That's sentimentality masquerading as social conviction.  Even a cursory survey of the real historical record reveals that the 1950's was actually an age of profound immorality.  Racism was not only tolerated, it was accepted.  Sexism was embedded in the infrastructure of the workplace.  Materialism and conformity were promoted as "healthy" social values.  Sexual abuse was ignored, if even reported.  And it was the official policy of the U.S. government that, if necessary, 100s of millions of people would be killed to stop the Soviets.

You would think that Christians would be among the first celebrate the achievements of the civil rights era, or the accomplishments of U.N. peace-keepers, or the land-mine treaty, or democracy in the Soviet Union, the disarmament movement,  equality for women, peace.  Nyet.  Doesn't matter.  Has no importance.  The important thing is that 13-year-old girls use the f-word in movies.  That's it!  It's the end of times!

This is all a bit like the "values" argument conservatives love to wave around.  We poor liberals believe in diversity, tolerance, progress, human rights, community, the environment, and equality.  It's such a shame we don't have any values.  Hey bubba-- lets get a six-pack and some buckshot and drive your Hummer down the back roads of Idaho so we can shoot some helpless furry creatures and talk about values.   Right, Bobby-Bob-- like the sanctity of the right to own guns, and the sanctity of the right to pay our employees a low minimum wage?  And the sanctity of the right to send people to jail for 99 years for stealing a cell phone?  Damn right we have values...

I frankly believe that even if 90% of the population stopped fornicating and drinking beer and thinking kind thoughts about minorities and the poor and suddenly decided to go to church on Sunday instead... even if all of that happened, the Christian commentators would continue to tell you that the world is in moral decline.... because that's what they do.  That's their bread and butter.  That's their mental frame-work, their cache, their frame of reference.  They could not do without it, and they would not feel powerful and mighty without that cudgel with which to whack you in the face: listen to me, or you will burn in hell.


All contents copyright 2005 Bill Van Dyk