It has always disturbed me that Billy Graham has body guards and travels in a limousine. Billy Graham used to defend this practice by pointing out that you don’t get to meet the President of the United States in a Volkswagen bus.
So, firstly, who said you had to meet the President of the United States? Graham would respond that he is a better evangelist because people see him with the most dishonest President of the United States in history and think, by golly, I think I might want to share that man’s faith.
Graham obviously believes that his celebrity status makes him a better missionary. It is amazing to me that it hasn’t entered his head that his celebrity status might be exactly the thing Satan most wants him to have.
Have you taken a good, close look at Billy Graham’s Limo driver?
Secondly, it’s a lie. Having a limousine really doesn’t factor into anyone’s considerations for who might meet with the President. War heroes, scientists, great writers and musicians– none of them seem to feel a need to acquire a limo so they would be more likely to meet the President.
They count on public admiration of what they actually do.