The Council for National Policy is a secret organization of Christian leaders in America, including Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, and other Republican toadies, that meets several times a year to inform the Republican Party of what it’s policies are to be.
If you were really a Christian and you really believed that you were serving God’s will and you really believed that God was on your side and that Jesus heard your prayers, you would not belong to this organization because this organization is secret. It hides. It sneaks around concealing it’s activities from the general public. It doesn’t even welcome Republicans it considers to be too moderate. It doesn’t allow anyone who they think might not be on their side to attend their meetings and write about them.
Their excuse? The left-liberal media will not report “justly” on their overwhelming virtue and purity. Right. Hmmm. Could it be that the real purpose of the secrecy is to obtain a disproportionate influence on Republican party politics by forming a pressure group within the larger body of membership, like a cabal, or a clique. By throwing their unified support to certain “approved” candidates, they short-circuit democracy and manipulate the party. It’s the kind of selfish, immoral action that has characterized the so-called Christian right in America since George Bush came looking for support.
According to the New York Times, the Council is not very happy with the current crop of Republican candidates because these broad-minded tolerant compassionate people, including John McCain and Rudy Giuliani, are too liberal for their taste.
How do they define liberal? They don’t believe in prayer? They allow their teenaged children to date un-chaperoned? They don’t believe in a young earth and intelligent design? They attend lingerie parties? No. It seems they might actually be against tax breaks for rich people. It seems they might actually countenance the idea of giving partial citizenship to illegal immigrants who have been in the country for many years, and education and health care to their children. Seems they might not be up for another round of invasions and bombings to address the threat of Islamic jihad. To these Christian jihadists, who have declared war on compassion and tolerance and reason, these men are enemies of the faith.
I’m puzzled as to why John McCain doesn’t just tell them to go to hell. Would he really lose the Republican nomination if he did? Maybe. But he would probably gain wide support in the general election. Either way, it appears McCain has sold out to them, and therefore, lost the respect of a lot of journalists who used to admire his non-partisan uncompromising personal integrity.