The cause of anti-communism, which united millions of Americans and which gained the support of Democrats, Republicans and independents, was undermined by Sen. Joe McCarthy … McCarthy addressed a real problem: disloyal elements within the U.S. government. But his approach to this real problem was to cause untold grief to the country he claimed to love … Worst of all, McCarthy besmirched the honorable cause of anti-communism. He discredited legitimate efforts to counter Soviet subversion of American institutions. William Bennett
So says William Bennett. It’s wonderful how conservatives struggle mightily to salvage some kind of useful propaganda from even the most scurrilous, scabrous, contemptible expression of their ideals: “legitimate” efforts to combat communist subversion? “Legitimate”. Such as what? The House Un-American Activities Committee? The blacklist? The Viet Nam War? The Coups in Guatemala, Iran, Chile? Attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro? Spying on Daniel Ellsberg? Censoring American history books? What? Which “legitimate” efforts?
Bennett includes Democrats in his list. How nice. McCarthy’s was famous for accusing anyone who didn’t suck up to him personally of being a communist, terrifying political opponents into pretending to support him. Bennett survey’s the wreckage of McCarthy’s cheap pandering and pronounces himself so pleased that the Democrats so cheerfully acquiesced. I’m surprised he didn’t claim that President Eisenhower, a conservative Republican who despised McCarthy, and who was also afraid of being accused of being soft on communism, wasn’t really one of McCarthy’s fondest admirers. Really. Seriously.
I can just imagine a Roman Catholic prelate in the 1600’s– it’s such a shame that a few Jesuits get carried away and brought discredit on our legitimate efforts to root out witchcraft…
And now the present.