During the summer 2011 debate over raising the U.S. debt ceiling, Scott supported the inclusion of a balanced-budget Constitutional amendment in the debt ceiling bill, and opposed legislation that did not include the amendment. Before voting against the final bill to raise the debt ceiling, Scott and other first-term conservatives prayed for guidance in a congressional chapel. Afterward, he said he had received divine inspiration for his vote, and joined the rest of the South Carolina congressional delegation in voting No. Wiki
The New York Times columnists seem to think highly of Mr. Scott, if not as president, then as VP.
I don’t think much of anyone who has the unmitigated arrogance to declare that he has the ear of God and the authority to relate unto us mere peons what the will of the almighty is. In this case, the stupid idea of compelling the national U.S. government to balance its books every year. There are very sound economic reasons why this is a preposterously unfeasible way to manage the national budget. Even more preposterous is the idea that the Republicans would not immediately break their own rule in order to increase the military budget without having to actually raise taxes in order to do it.
This is a man who has laid the theoretical foundation for making all abortions illegal, terminating Social Security and Medicare, and abandoning the United Nations. God told me to. And if I tell you that that is what God thinks, I am right you are wrong. There can be no debate with God. There can be no compromise.
Tim Scott appears to be a decent man– by Republican standards. He is civil. No personal scandals that I know of. And here’s an oddity, like Lindsay Graham, he is unmarried. Born in 1965, which makes him about 60, and unmarried. What does that mean? Does it mean what I think it means in regard to Lindsay Graham? I feel free to speculate because there is nothing wrong with being gay, but he is opposed to homosexual marriage, which would raise a host of fabulous intricacies in the perception of his social values.
His Justice Reform Bill, which got 55 votes in the Senate (not enough to bypass the filibuster) is not all bad. It’s not enough, but it’s a step in the right direction. He wants to rescind the Affordable Care Act and replace it with something more anodyne to Republicans, a nod to the fact that the act has actually become pretty popular. How to reduce the phenomenal growth of health care costs? Tort reform. It’s the “Mental Health” red herring for health care: something that will have virtually no impact on the problem it is supposed to solve but makes it sound like the Republicans are doing something about it.
He rather pathetically dodges reporters’ questions on the abortion issue but says he is against it but would sign a national 20-week ban if he was president. That is really a very odd position. He knows he desperately needs the votes of the most hypocritical demographic in the nation– evangelical “christians”– so he can’t be in favor of abortion rights, which makes a national ban at 20 weeks problematic. So he says he defers to state governments on the issues, which is the very epitome of passing the buck, equivocating, and, frankly, lying.
We know how Republicans handle deficits. When we have all the reigns of government (as they were in the first two years of the Trump Administration) they cut taxes which balloons the deficit and refuse to cut program spending because they know how unpopular that would make them. So the deficit is suddenly not a problem. (Trump added more to the deficit than any previous president).
It is only when the Democrats have the White House that their crocodile tears appear. I don’t expect Scott to be any exception. If he won, by some ridiculous sequence of events, like every other republican president in the past fifty years, he will do nothing about it.