The Republican Convention 2024

JD Vance is a dud.

The CNN & PBS panelists need to sharpen their wits. If Biden is responsible for inflation why did all the developed nations have it? Inflation in Biden’s first year was about 6.0%. None of Biden’s policies could, at that time, have had an impact. Unless you believe presidents can go back in time, what he inherited was Trump’s inflation.

The Teamsters (Sean O’Brien) did NOT endorse Donald Trump. He has offered to speak at both conventions.

Unreported crime is up. Think about it. (The crime rate is actually down).

Real household income has increased significantly under Biden, even in Vance’s home town!

Trump endorsed the Iraq war before he changed his mind much later.

Home prices went up 27% under Trump.

Trump had initiated the plan to leave Afghanistan before he left office and Biden essentially merely enacted it. What is not often remarked upon is that the U. S. had been losing that war badly by then and short of an injection of 100,000 or more troops, could not have changed the outcome. Evacuations under those circumstances are always going to be horrendously messy.

Unemployment under Trump was 6.7%. (Biden: 3.6%)

Yes, Trump tore up NAFTA… and then replaced it with an almost identical trade deal.

The most promising move to counter China was Obama’s Asian-Pacific trade alliance … which Trump tore up, clearly out of spite.

Most economists predicted that battling inflation with higher interest rates would increase unemployment and slow GDP growth. Biden, remarkably, reduced inflation without the expected recession. Why don’t the Democrats talk more about that? It really was quite remarkable.

The Republicans at the convention keep alluding to decaying infrastructure; Biden is the first president in decades to pass a substantial infrastructure bill.

Trump was a failure in business. He took a large capital stake from his daddy, blew it all on bad real estate deals, built casinos and golf courses that failed, owned a football team that failed, created Trump University (failed again), all while selling his image to gullible fans as some kind of business genius. He finally made money parlaying his fake image to a TV show (“The Apprentice”) which did, finally, make him a lot money. As H. L. Menken (maybe) observed, nobody every went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.

The most striking thing about the convention so far is how the party has become the Trump Family Compact. Everything is Trump. Every speaker is required to genuflect to Trump. Every statement is calibrated to flatter and wheedle the divine leader. For a party that used to brag about being “rogue” and thinking independently, this slavish adoration a single personality must be humiliating.

One does begin to shed a few tears for how sensitive they are: they constantly whine about the “media” being mean to them and hurting their feelings. Poor Sarah Huckabee could hardly bear to be insulted by a TV hostess. I guess they all missed Politics 101 in which you learn that politicians should probably have some backbone, or find another profession.

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