Boing! Your Taxes at Play

Darleen A. Druyun was a top official in the Air Force who played a large role in negotiations with Boeing for big fat air force contracts. She was your representative. She was in charge of seeing that American tax-payers got honest value for their dollar.

She was so good at her job, that a lawyer for Boeing bought her house. Yes, indeed. And her daughter got a job with Boeing– no sense wasting that family of expertise.

Ms. Druyun was not heartless by any means. When Boeing was under severe pressure by a competitor, Airbus, for a major tanking contract, Ms. Druyun was kind enough to pass along some specs about the Airbus contract to Boeing.

By golly, she was so ruthless about getting maximum value for the taxpayer’s dollar that Boeing went out and hired her in 2002. Now, she works for Boeing.


It appears, she was always working for Boeing.

Yeah. Well, you might be wondering by now just how tough this lady was. But you would be reassured to know that the Air Force and the FBI are going to thoroughly investigate the matter. When they are done, I bet all those Boeing shareholders who have been collecting big fat dividends are all going to have to pay big fat fines!

Oink! Oink!

Don’t forget: when the government gives money to people who haven’t worked to earn it, that is called a “dependency” and it is bad, bad, bad.

When the government gives money to corporations who lie and cheat: that’s called capitalism, and that’s what makes our country great.