Capitalism and Abortion

Why are so many capitalists opposed to abortion? It’s really rather bizarre. They construct this massive edifice of rationality and logic to justify a system that rewards capital and entrepreneurship, and brutally punishes the poor, and then they declare that the unborn are entitled to massive government interventions on their behalf. The government must intrude on the mommy market, insinuate it’s authority, seize control of the very bodies of a class of citizens– fertile women– and dictate the outcome.

A real capitalist would tell you that if it isn’t profitable to have babies, the government shouldn’t interfere. But then, there are few real capitalists. People who claim to believe in small government actively support the government seizing bandwidth and giving it to the telecoms, or seizing new copyrights that never existed before, or taking oil from the ground beneath wildlife refuges, or taking trees from national parks and hauling them out on roads built by taxpayers.

Free market capitalism is mostly a fraud intended to attack government programs that benefit working class citizens at the expense of owners. When government intervention benefits the wealthy, they’re all for it.