The CBC Does One Better Than Cheney

What is this shit? And why is it on the CBC?

I mean “The Border”, a CBC drama about the unbelievably exciting lives of Canadian border guards, who we all know risk their lives every day confronting terrorists and drug dealers as they pour over the border into Canada…

I watched an episode by accident. An Islamic terrorist (sigh) had a bottle of anthrax which his wife– wearing a head-covering, of course– obtained from some U.S. lab (sigh) she had worked at earlier, then smuggled into Canada. The terrorist was headed to the Yonge and Bloor subway line to smash the bottle in front of thousands of innocent Canadians. The Minister of Justice and the chief of CSIS were having a set-to about whether or not there was time to water-board the woman. An RCMP agent decided, instead, to take her baby to the subway station so it would be exposed to the anthrax— if she didn’t tell them where her husband was with the anthrax.

But isn’t water-boarding…. torture! Huh! Only to those wimpy liberals with their foolish toleration of diverse cultures that speak different languages and wear head-dressings! Only to those naïve pussies who don’t comprehend the realities of human evil nature! Don’t you know that CANADIAN lives are in the balance? Not cheap Jamaican lives, or worthless Italian lives, or insignificant Indonesian lives, or damned-to-hell Islamic lives, but valuable, important, fabulous CANADIAN lives!

Slight plot flaw there– since they didn’t know where the husband was, and didn’t really know for sure if he had anthrax, it was slightly improbable that the agent would just happen to take the baby to the one subway station the husband happened to select for this grand infection! Shameless contrivance!

Amazingly, the CSIS agents and police entered the subway station and out of all the people of various nationalities and races immediately picked out the one guilty man. The man with the anthrax. Which an agent grabbed before he was able to smash it on the ground, in front of his own baby, which could have been a telly-tubby doll for all he knew because he never really got a look at it. Come to think of it, neither did his wife, who was shown the agent taking the telly-tubby to the subway platform on a closed circuit television and immediately believed that the evil, Satanic westerners would never lie about whether or not it really was her baby in the white bundle if she had no way to actually seeing his face.

It’s enough to make you really, really, really and truly sorry that you ever supported the idea of Canadian content. Really, really, really sorry. Almost as sorry as after watching “Little Mosque on the Prairie”.