Have You Drugged Your Kid Today

Tara Ashburn, a secondary school teacher in Surprise, Arizona, was fired– surprise!– because she refused to either remove a bumper sticker from her car or park the car somewhere where offended parents could not see it.

Why were the parents offended? There is nothing offensive about the bumper sticker. It said: “Have you drugged your kid today”. But some parents were offended. I can only presume they were offended because they were ashamed. And the shame came from within themselves because the bumper sticker itself merely says “have you drugged your kid today”. It does not say:

you are lazy, inadequate parents who cannot cope with reality and therefore you try to drug your child into oblivion for your own convenience

The bumper sticker did not say that. It did not say:

our society can’t possibly spend the money required to actually help our young people cope with the increasing demands placed upon them by parents and schools and friends so we prefer to simply supply them with legal drugs to hammer them into a pleasant lassitude and hope they won’t notice that we haven’t solved any of their problems

The bumper sticker did not say,

our social workers, psychologists, and therapists are so damn clueless about how to help young people that they almost immediately resort to cheap, ineffective, but powerful psychotropic drugs to hold our children over until they are old enough to blame for their own problems

All the bumper sticker said, essentially, was, did you remember to do it.

The rest of the controversy was supplied entirely by the parents who are obviously completely aware of what they are doing. The teacher has broken an implicit social contract: we will ban drugs like marijuana because kids like it and it’s not patentable and no corporation owned by their middle-aged fathers and mothers can possibly profit from it. Then we will quietly drug everybody– and I mean everybody– every single teenager, and most adults– with drugs that cost almost nothing to make and generate huge profits for the pharmaceuticals so mommy and daddy can retire on their profitable investments and wonder why the next generation seems to have no character.

It is possible that some drugs are appropriately prescribed and do help and don’t produce side-effects that are worse than the original “symptoms”, but there is no way in hell that there is any rational explanation for why we drug almost everybody, and why, when the side effects are worse than the original symptoms, we simply prescribe more drugs.

The drugs sometimes quieted her voices, but they brought on obesity, uncontrollable trembling of hands and arms, hair loss and other side effects. These led to more troubled behaviors, like punitive exercising (an attempt to lose weight), hair-pulling and narcotic use.   Mind and the Moon, Daniel Bergner

At one time, Aldous Huxley imagined an insane, fantasy world wherein all adults were drugged– it was called “Soma” — so the government and corporations could exploit them without endlessly without consequence.

If you are wondering why my blog is not more popular– here’s why.  Almost every potential reader is either on a psychotropic drug or a parent of someone who is on a psychotropic drug and I just said you probably made a bad decision.  Sorry.


Suppose you were unhappy. Suppose you had a doctor’s appointment for your annual check-up and while you were sitting there half-naked on an examining table, you said, “I just feel kind of down lately.”

I’m feeling kind of blue lately.

Life just seems to suck lately.

I’m not very happy.

We can’t have that, can we? We can’t have people going around not being happy. It cannot be allowed or accepted. It is not normal. It is untenable. It is unsustainable.

We cannot say, “Yeah? Life does suck sometimes.” No, we cannot.

We say that little qualifier– “sometimes” because we can’t bear to say, “life sucks”.

Life sucks, and then you die.

So if you aren’t happy, we will prescribe you a drug. Why? Because that is best solution to the problem of life? No.

To make life good, we would have to find someone to love you, make you rich, make you safe and healthy, and make our cities livable.

That would be too hard to do. So we will zoloft you. We will prozac or paxil you instead.

There really is no clearer indication of just how pagan our society has become. It doesn’t matter what you think is going to happen after this life is over. None of us, Christian or non-Christian, is going to accept a life in this world that is not happy.

S.S.R.I.’s And Teenage Mental Health

British Drug regulators just announced that doctors must stop writing prescriptions for an entire generation of anti-depressant drugs for depressed children under 18.

After reviewing 11 different studies of the effects of these drugs, including Paxil, Zoloft, and others, on children under 18, they came to the conclusion that the risk of harm outweighed the potential benefits.

According to Mother Jones, more than 50% of the studies performed on these drugs have shown that they have no greater beneficial effect on people than placebos do.

But it’s hard to convince a doctor with scientific evidence. I’m only kidding. No, I’m not. Dr. Flemming Graae of Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, N.Y., says he has treated more than 2,000 children with S.S.R.I.’s. (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) and, he says, not a single one of them tried to commit suicide because of the drugs.

That’s a really strange statement to make. Didn’t any of the 2,000 ever try to commit suicide? If not, that’s remarkable.  If any of them did, how do you know it wasn’t because of the S. S. R. I.?

The Heritage Foundation reports that about 14% of all sexually active teenage girls and 5% of all the others attempt suicide. Just about every other study reports that some teenagers try to commit suicide.

These are truly wonder drugs if the results are that good. Or Dr. Graae’s statistics are wonderfully contrived.

Of course, the Heritage Foundation is trying to prove to you that girls that have sex are unhappy, miserable, and suicidal, while girls who don’t have sex are contented, smart, and rich. So don’t have sex. Or learn to do unbiased studies. The Heritage Foundation thinks you are still gaining weight because you don’t eat enough diet cookies.

I suspect that doctors are willing to defend S.S.R.I.’s because they give them something to give people who are desperately desperate. Since you can’t give them a happy life with healthy peer relationships and a morally satisfying profession, you give them a pill.

I Want a New Drug

According to the American Journal of Psychiatry, a new drug named Paxil (paroxetine) alters the personalities of people, making them more “easy-going and cooperative”.

Psychopharmaceuticals is what they call them.

Specific serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Don’t like your personality? It can be fixed. But remember, we are against drug abuse.

This drug is now available to doctors everywhere. They will probably be receiving colorful brochures advertising its virtues shortly. Maybe they will receive an invitation to take a free cruise to Latin America where the excellent effects of the drug can be described in luxurious detail. They will be given free samples of the drug to “try out” on patients. The drug will be expensive to prescribe. But that’s okay. Don’t worry– be happy: the American Psychological Association will be pressured to include it in DSM VI or VII or VIII or whatever, as a recommended treatment for “unhappiness”. That way, it will be covered by the real pimps of our drug culture: health insurance plans.

How far are we really from the idea that we should drug everyone in our society into placid, carefree submission? How long before we officially acknowledge that our dope laws are really concerned with stamping out competition, and not with eradicating “bad” behaviours?

It all stinks.