Listening Thoughtfully to the Least Thoughtful People on the Planet

If the NRA wanted Mitt Romney to support the rights of guns owners, he would say yes, clearly.

If they asked him to support expanded “conceal and carry” laws, I’m sure he would.

If they asked him to support continued legalization of personal ownership of semi-automatic machine guns, he’d be delighted.

A United Nations resolution guaranteeing the right to guns for everyone in the entire world? No problem with that. He would point out that Assad would have been overthrown by now if only his citizens had had guns. Well, aside from the tanks. Or the artillery. Or the helicopters.

And now, Mr. Romney, we would like you to put on this tutu and these ballet slippers and tights and perform “Tiny Dancer” for us.


Is there anything, anything at all, a Republican will not do for the gun lobby? Is it normal for a lobbying group to be able to demand anything at all, without limit, of a politician? Is it normal that a politician like that would get elected?

Have you considered carefully the fact that he NRA came into being at the same time that the KKK disappeared?

Have you considered that the NRA is not really about guns at all. The people pulling the strings don’t care about guns. The Republican Party surely can’t be quite as stupid as they look on the issue. The guns have always been a wedge issue. Mitt Romney might just as well go around saying “and I will keep the darkies in their place”.

I would like to hear someone mock Romney: do you think for yourself on the issue of guns because it appears to me that there is not one single thing you will not give to the NRA if they ask for it. Shouldn’t a politicians exercise some independent judgment? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself.

The parents of the victims of the Virginia Tech shooting are on the phone– will you take their calls? I didn’t think so.