Chicken Bones

You’ve heard it before, but it bears repeating: You are much more likely to be struck dead by lightning, choke on a chicken bone or drown in the bathtub than be killed by a terrorist. Any number of well-known diseases — cancer, diabetes, the flu — take the lives of far, far more people. Yet, by one estimate, the United States spends $500 million per victim of terrorism, and a piddling $10,000 per cancer death.

Why Doesn't Everybody Know this?
And another: “I’m almost shocked,” 
she recalled thinking during her first years 
in medical school as she learned, for example, 
that it is easier to burp lying on your left 
side than your right because of the position 
at which the esophagus connects to the stomach.
 “Why doesn’t everybody know this?”

[whohit]Death by Chicken Bone[/whohit]