The Red Dribble

TV News is populated with pundits who ask you to accept their expert analysis of why they were all wrong about the election results. Buyer beware. CNN in particular offers panels of cosmetically anodyne talking heads proffering the same information a casual observer could have picked up from last night’s headlines and an SNL sketch or two.
If you are wondering what “anodyne” means, it is the state of brain collapse caused by watching more than any 10 minutes of Wolfe Blitzer.
But what a stunning result! Just stunning. Miracles cut two ways, evangelical leaders! I personally think Jesus was involved in the Oz debacle and the Kari Lake upset.
And before Republicans get too excited about Ron DeSantis, a commentator pointed out that he was essentially running against a corpse, and voter turn-out was a pathetic 50%. The only politician less amusing to watch is Ted Cruz.