Martha Madany

I recently did a search on this name, “Martha Madany”, and found one tiny little reference on the website of a college she had attended in the late 1970’s and 80’s. One thing: she got married in April 2004.

So I am putting in the name, Martha Madany here, on a web page, for people to come and find, if they ever feel inclined to do a search on Martha. There’s nothing here about Martha, except that I knew her in college and liked her and that you won’t find very much about her if you do a search on her name on the internet. And here it is: Martha Madany, Martha Madany, Martha Madany. This page is all about you. I liked you and occasionally I think about you and I hope you are having a great life.

I later discovered that Martha did not get married for the first time in April 2004.  It was her second marriage.  I don’t know any more details than that.

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