Last Stop: Wonderland

Other Notes

In the movie “Next Stop Wonderland”, Erin decides to go off to Brazil with Andre, who has purchased a ticket for her and is waiting at the airport. But when she meets Alan on the subway, she spontaneously decides to go off with him instead, to Wonderland, where they stroll through the park.

She has stood up Andre. I believe this storyline. It makes sense. It is consistent with her character.

But audiences identify with attractive characters and need to lie to themselves that they would never behave so dishonorably and they made their displeasure known at the test screens. So the film-makers went back to work and shot a new scene.

They did not shoot a scene of Erin phoning Andre and explaining and apologizing.

They did not film Erin joining Andre on the plane.

They did not have Andre call Erin and cancel.

No no no– none of that was necessary. All that was needed was to show Andre hitting on another woman on the plane.

So if these people had been in charge of “The Third Man”, I can only imagine what indignities they would have foisted upon us.

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